





Page 27 - shehuizeren2010
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            中国建筑  情系玉树                                                                                                About Us


            Spreading the iron army spirit, and dedication to rebuilding Yushu                                        Sustainable Operation

                On 14 April 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in Yushu, Qinghai Province. Many residential buildings collapsed, and public facilities
            such as schools and hospitals were seriously damaged. China Construction actively responded to the call from the Central Government, and
            spread the spirit of the iron army of China Construction, in fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise. With the spirit   科技创新
            of “Maintaining morale even without oxygen” and “The higher the altitude, the higher the morale”, and a strong sense of political responsibility and
            nationalist feelings, China Construction was determined to overcome all obstacles in rebuilding Yushu after the disaster, and commenced a three-
            year reconstruction programme in Yushu.                                                                   Technology Innovation

                                                                                                                       量   Quality

                                                                                                                       全   Safety

            总体援建任务                                        Mission of assisting the overall reconstruction

                                                              China Construction’s reconstruction programme in Yushu includes   环
                 中国建筑玉树灾后援建内容包括玉树结古镇城北                                                                                 境
                                                          constructing residential buildings, public facilities and infrastructure,
            片区和安冲乡的居民住房、公共服务、基础设施、生                       recovering the ecology, reviving prominent and tertiary industries,
            态修复、特色产业和服务业、和谐家园以及省道309、                     rebuilding a harmonious homeland, as well as repairing Provincial Road    Environment
                                                          309 and Highway 312 in the north of Gyegu and Anchong.

                                                                                                                       工   Staff

            承建了结古镇城北片区,如红旗小学、州医院、一完小、民主村、解放片区等                 承担了安冲乡吉拉、拉则、叶吉、布朗、莱叶五个村子及通村公路、安冲乡寄宿                   社
            的重建任务。                                             小学等项目的重建任务。                                             会
            In Gyegu, China Construction is responsible for reconstruction work in the   China Construction is responsible for the reconstruction of five villages in Anchong
            north, including rebuilding Yushu Red Flag Primary School, Yushu County   – Jila, Laze, Yeji, Bulang and Yecai; as well as Village Highway and Anchong    Society
            Hospital, Yushu No.1 Primary School, Minzhu Village and the liberated areas.  Primary Boarding School.

                                                                                                   2010可持续发展报告  25
                                                                                                   Sustainability Report 2010
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