





Page 22 - shehuizeren2010
P. 22

            Management of Social Responsibility

            社会责任工作体系                                                      中国建筑社会责任委员会组织架构
                                                                          Organisation of the Social Responsibility Committee

                                                                                  委员会主任 — 董事长
            盖公司总部和成员单位的社会责任工作体系。公司成立社会责任委员                                          Director – Board Chairman
                                                                                委员会执行主任 — 总经理
                                                                                Executive Director – General Manager(s)
                 社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,由总部相关部门工                                       副主任 — 分管领导
                                                                                 Deputy Director – Divisional head(s)
                                                                                  委员 — 各部门负责人
                                                                               Committee Members – Functional head(s)

            System of social responsibility initiatives

                China Construction attaches great importance to social responsibility and constantly strives to enhance the social responsibility
            component of our management. We have established a system of social responsibility initiatives encompassing the headquarters and all
            business units, and have set up a social responsibility committee that is responsible for steering the Company’s overall social responsibility
            initiatives, reviewing and approving plans and management systems, and considering major aspects of the Company’s social responsibility
            management. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the social responsibility committee comprises the Company’s senior management and
            functional heads.
                Under the social responsibility committee is the social responsibility office, comprising executives of relevant departments from our
            headquarters. The office is mainly responsible for developing plans to implement social responsibility initiatives, arranging management
            systems, organising the fulfilment of social responsibility and external exchanges, as well as compiling relevant reports.

                                                     Social responsibility office

             董   监         业   人                  法   场        企                  综   设    海    基   建    房
             事   事    办    管   力    财   资    投    律   与    科   业    审    监   老    合   勘    外    设   筑    地
             会  Office of the Supervision Committee  会  公  General Administration Office  理  资  务  金  资  事  项  技  Science & Technology Department  文  计  Audit Bureau  察  Supervision Bureau  干  Retired-Staff Administration  管  察  事  Overseas Business Department  施  Infrastructure Department  事  产
             办   办  Office of the board of supervisors  厅  与  源  Human Resources Department  部  Finance Department  部  Fund Department  部  Investment Department  务  Legal Affairs Department  目  Market and Project Control Department  部  化  Corporation Culture Department  局  局  部  理  General Administration Department  业  Design and Surveying Department  业  事  业  Construction Department  事  Real Estate Department
             公   公         策   部                  部   管        部             局    部   务    部    业   部    业
             室   室         划                          理                               部         部        部
                           部                          部
                           企 Planning Department

                                                        Business units

         20  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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