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(CANIGE)捐赠10台电脑、100个书包及100套文具和20 20 soccer balls to a local agency, Equatorial Guinean Child Aid
Committee (CANIGE), to improve teaching conditions and study
environments in local schools. About Us
Case study: Integration journey 2010 - china overseas
summer camp for mainland and hong kong youth
夏令营 可持续经营
The summer activity, Integration Journey – China Overseas
在四川都江堰举行“共融之旅——2010(中国海 Summer Camp for Mainland and Hong Kong Youth 2010, was
held in a “Project Hope” primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan. It
gave local children a chance to build mutually supportive, friendly
筑一个互助、友爱、平等的环境,为参与者提供一次开拓 and equitable relationships with the visiting students. For the Sustainable Operation
视野、启迪身心、关助他人的经历,增强正常儿童的个人 visitors, it was an eye-opening experience that inspired them and
encouraged them to care for other people.
自立能力和团队协作能力,提升特殊儿童自信心、自我形 Through the camp, the independence and teamwork skills
象及社交技巧,同时增强各希望小学校际间的沟通互动, of all the children, as well as the self-confidence, self-image, and 科技创新
social skills of the children with special needs, were improved.
丰富师生暑期生活和学校办学形式。 Communication between “Project Hope” primary schools was
strengthened. The summer holiday of the participating teachers
and students was greatly enriched, giving the participating schools
an excellent option for summer activities. Technological Innovation
量 Quality
抗灾赈灾 全
Disaster Relief China Construction is very involved in fundraising and Safety
donation-collecting activities whenever calamities happen, helping
中国建筑在灾难发生后,积极捐款捐物,帮助灾区 the victims at their times of need. Manifesting our patriotic spirit,
we volunteered for rebuilding projects after disasters. Through
our efforts to rebuild communities after various disasters, our
建,把对灾区人民的深情厚意、对灾后重建的社会责任融 devotion to the people and commitment to social responsibility 环
was expressed, helping the disaster victims to get back on their 境
feet and return to their normal lives.
生活。 When participating in the reconstruction of Wenchuan after Environment
汶川灾后重建中,公司共建设项目46个,合同额近 the devastating earthquake, we took on 46 construction projects
with a contract total of almost 5 billion RMB. In September 2010,
50亿元人民币。到2010年9月,所有灾后重建学校、医 all the rebuilding projects – such as schools, hospitals, residences,
院、民居、农宅及安置房等项目都按照要求顺利完成。汶 farm residences, and interim shelters – were satisfactorily
completed. One of them, the Wenchuan No. 1 Primary School,
received a State Quality Award.
2010年,公司向西南特大旱灾灾区、玉树地震灾 In 2010, the company organised many fundraising campaigns 工
for areas affected by the severe drought in southwest China, the
区、舟曲重大泥石流灾害灾区积极开展捐款活动,仅以总 Staff
earthquake in Yushu, and the deadly mudslide in Zhougqu County,
部名义捐款达18,512,725元人民币。 Gansu. Donations made in the name of the Company headquarters
alone amounted to 18,512,725 RMB.
案例 雪中送炭,情系万家 Case study: Timely assistance that bonds thousands of
8月14日汶川映秀镇发生泥石流灾害,西南办事处在 families 社
On 14 August 2010, a mudslide disaster occurred in Yingxiu town, 会
within Sichuan’s Wenchuan County. China Construction’s southwestern
元人民币,调派四台挖掘机参与到重灾区都江堰龙池镇的 office immediately organised a disaster relief campaign, calling Society
2010可持续发展报告 79
Sustainability Report 2010