Page 66 - shehuizeren2010
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提高资源利用率 Increasing resource usage rates
中国建筑加强精细化管理,增强人员节约意识,推 China Construction has strengthened our specialised
management, increased conservation awareness among our staff,
promoted the application of energy-saving technologies, installed
效率,减少能源和水的消耗。 energy-saving equipment, increased utility rates of materials, and
reduced the consumption of resources and water.
节约材料 Saving materials
中国建筑在施工中遵循“精益入微”的管理理念, China Construction adheres to the management principle
明确材料配比,制定精准用料计划;推广7S现场管理, of “Lean and nuanced” in its construction. Setting definite ratios
of materials and devising precise plans for use of materials, we
对材料、设备进行“三定”管理(定名称,定位置、定数 have promoted 7S on-site management and applied “Fixed Three”
量),提高材料和设备的使用效率,避免不必要的浪费及 Management (Fixed Name, Fixed Position, and Fixed Quantity) to
our materials and equipment, which can increase the utility rates of
materials and equipment, and avoid wastage and construction waste.
Case study: Specialised management
案例:精细管理 节约材料
The Vista Panorama Project of China Construction Second
Engineering Bureau Ltd has promoted specialised management
手,加强材料规范管理。砼实际成本节约10%,模板实际 for detailed strengthening of standardised materials management.
成本节约23%,砂石水泥实际成本节约45.6%,对拉螺杆 The actual cost of concrete has been reduced by 10%; the actual
cost of formwork by 23%; the actual cost of cement by 45.6%; and
实际成本更是节约高达77.2%,仅上述4项材料就节约成本 the actual cost of pull screws by 77.2%. These cost reductions
225万元人民币。 resulted in a total saving of 2.25 million RMB.
Energy conservation
节约能源 China Construction is a pioneer in utilising energy-saving,
中国建筑优先使用节能、高效、环保的施工设备, efficient and green construction equipment. The Company promotes
construction technologies with low energy-consumption, enhancing
the application of renewable resources such as solar power,
生资源的应用。2010年,每万元产值综合能耗同比减少 geothermal power and wind power. In 2010, the overall energy
consumption was reduced by 4.5% compared with last year.
Water conservation
节约用水 China Construction has separated the measurement of water
中国建筑将生活用水、施工用水分开计量,建立施 usage in daily life and water usage in construction, establishing
an account for construction water usage. The water utility rate
工用水台帐;安装雨水收集装置、水循环装置,提高水利 has been increased by installing rainwater collecting systems and
用率。采用薄膜覆盖,麻袋片保湿措施养护顶板混凝土等 water recycling systems. The Company has also employed water-
saving technologies to protect roof concrete, such as covering with
membranes and using sacks to retain moisture.
减少排放 Emissions reduction
China Construction has followed environmental licensing
procedures stipulated by law for its construction projects,
续,组织开展环境评价。统一施工现场形象,加强对废弃 organising environmental evaluation. The Company has
物的控制和治理,减少对市容、居民、生态环境、绿化的 standardised the public appearance of our construction sites,
enhanced control and management of waste products, and
reduced our impact on urban amenities, residents, the natural
environment and existing green facilities. The pass rate of the
environmental evaluations is 100%.
64 中国建筑股份有限公司
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited