Page 65 - shehuizeren2010
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节约用地 Land conservation About Us
The Company conducts studies on land conservation based 可持续经营
on the planning and functions of its projects, with the aim of
建筑物的占地面积,提高土地的使用率,增加建筑物内部 reducing the area occupied by the construction in order to increase
空间容积率。 the proportion of usable land and the plot ratio. This measure has
proved highly effective. Sustainable Operation
绿色采购 科技创新
Green Procurement
中国建筑采购节能环保材料,向供应商传递环保理 China Construction has adopted a policy of green procurement. Technological Innovation
By procuring energy-saving green materials, the Company passes
on the green concept to its suppliers, and encourages them to
2010年,环保产品采购比率100%。 implement green measures, so a green supply chain can be linked
公司编制绿色采购制度,将绿色采购纳入合同,明 together. In 2010, 100% of our procurement was green products.
The Company has established a green procurement system.
确建筑材料环保要求,在同等条件下优先选择对环境影 质
This includes integrating green procurement into contracts, 量
响较小的供应商,购买带有环境标志产品。明确建筑材 explicitly stating the green requirements for building materials.
料在运输过程和进入施工现场的环保要求。 All else being equal, the Company gives priority to suppliers that Quality
make minimal impact on the environment, and procure products
with environmental ratings. Green requirements regarding
供应商审核监督 the transportation of building materials and their entry into
在供应商的选择阶段,公司将供应商环境管理体系 construction sites are also explicitly stated.
建设情况、产品的环境友好性作为考核指标;在与供应商 安
Examination and supervision of suppliers 全
合作阶段,对供应商在采购、生产及成品储存等环节的环 When selecting suppliers, the Company sets examination Safety
境行为进行监督。 standards covering whether the suppliers have established
environmental management systems to acquire certification and
how environmentally friendly their products are; when working
推进供应链环境管理 with suppliers, the Company monitors their environmental
公司鼓励供应商开展环境管理体系建设和认证管 behaviour in procurement, production and product storage.
理,组织供应商开展低碳环保方面的培训。 境
Promoting environmental management in supply chain
The Company encourages suppliers to establish Environment
environmental management systems and certification
management. Training is also organised for suppliers on
maintaining a low-carbon footprint in their operations.
Green Construction 工 Staff 员
中国建筑在国内率先开展绿色施工技术研究与推 China Construction pioneered studies and the promotion
of green construction technology in mainland China, aiming to
increase resource usage rates, reduce waste production, promote
复进程,打造绿色人居。 nature protection, and create a green human habitat.
会 Society
2010可持续发展报告 63
Sustainability Report 2010