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提升员工环保意识和能力 绿色设计 关于亚星游戏·[官网]
Green Design
讲座、现场宣传等方式,有针对性地组织项目管理人员、技术人员、普通员工进行环保培训。2011年,公司组织培训150 About Us
设计是绿色建造的源头,主导后续建筑活动对环境的 As a cradle of green architecture, the design will guide how 可持续经营
Enhancing Environmental Awareness and the forthcoming construction activities affect the environment and
Capability of Employees the consumption of resources. China Construction has taken the
计研究,在设计规划中全面导入3R原则(减少污染、减少 lead in initiating studies in green architecture. We have incorporated
The Company has formulated a system for training staff on 能耗、材料回收),从源头上最大限度地减少建筑物整个 the 3R principles of green design (reduce pollution, reduce energy
environmental protection, prepared training materials on energy consumption, and recycle materials), so that we can minimize energy Sustainable Operation
conservation, and incorporated environmental protection in the all consumption throughout the life cycle of the buildings and its adverse
basic training programs. Through centralized training, video lectures, 公司将绿色理念作为基本原则,贯穿到设计规划、方 impact on environment.
China Construction integrates green initiatives in its planning
and on-site publicity, the Company carried out targeted environmental 案制定、图纸绘制的全过程,并将其作为检验技术应用的 and design processes, program development, and drawings, and
training for project managers, technicians and general staff. In 2011, 全产业链创新
重要标准,综合考察各项节能技术的适用性和局限性,结 sees green concepts as important criteria when testing technology.
the Company organized 150 training sessions for 2,000 staff. After conducting a comprehensive survey on the applicability and
limitations of various energy-saving technologies, we select the most
技术,采用计算机模拟方法,对建筑工程的环境影响进行 appropriate green technology and then conduct a quantitative analysis
of the environmental impact of our projects to ensure a healthy and
绿色开发 green habitat.
Green Development 节能技术/设备 Energy-saving Technology and Equipment Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
Taking into account the natural conditions that surround the
project site, such as topography, climate and geology, we select
中国建筑作为中国最大建筑地产综合企业集团,在国 appropriate technology in order to make full use of renewable 质
内率先尝试将绿色理念融入到开发建设全过程,探索行业 可再生能源,应用节能暖通空调、节能灯等设备,提高能 resources such as solar, wind and geothermal energy, and energy- 量
saving equipment like energy-saving HVAC and lamps to improve the
绿色开发建造新路径,推动行业提升绿色开发建造水平。 源利用效率,减少二氧化碳排放。 energy efficiency and reduce CO emission. Quality
绿色产品开发集成应用平台,建设绿色开发示范项目。 全
太阳能发电技术 太阳能热水技术 Safety
Solar Power Generation Technology Solar Water-heating Technology
利用光伏发电系统,将太阳能转化为 利用太阳能获得的热水供建筑使用 环
电能,为建筑物提供电量 To heat water with solar radiation for the building 境
To convert solar radiation into electricity with
建筑在该项目开发中,将其定位为推动绿色节能理念和技 photovoltaic system for building use Environment
和土地开发对环境的影响。 节能技术/设备 工
Energy-saving Technology
As the largest construction and real estate conglomerate in the country, China Construction takes the lead integrating green concepts into the and Equipment Staff
development and construction process, and explores new paths for green development and construction in the industry so as to promote the green
building to a higher level in the industry. 利用风光互补技术进行发电,用于路 冬季通过热泵将大地的低品位热能转化为高 社
Centering on low carbon growth and energy conservation in the industry, the Company began research and development on a green 灯照明 品位热能对建筑供暖;夏季通过热泵将建筑 会
product technology database, and established standards for green products. The Company also created an integrated application platform for the To generate electricity with the complementary technology 物内的热量转移到地下,对建筑物进行制冷
development of green products and built a green development demonstration project. of wind and solar power for street lighting To convert the low-grade heat energy into high-grade one with heat pump Society
for building heating in winter; To transfer the heat within the building to
Case Study: Green Development of Kaiyuan International Plaza ground for cooling buildings
The Plaza, located in business district of Beijing Olympic Center, is a large city complex mainly consisting of five internationally Class-A standard
office buildings. In the development of the project, China Construction positioned it as a comprehensive building group aiming to promote green 地源热泵
concepts and technology. The Company used green materials, adopted appropriate green technology, recycled construction waste and maximized 风光互补技术 Ground-source Heat Pump
Complementary Technology of Wind and Solar Power
water conservation and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas and the impact of land development on the environment.
绿色建筑:在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约资源(节能,节地,节水,节材) ,保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康,适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑。
Green building: maximizing the conservation of resources (saving energy, land, water, and materials) within the entire life cycle of building, to protect the environment and reduce pollution, while providing a healthy, applicable and efficient space, and creating a building in harmony with the nature.
066 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 067