Page 19 - shehuizeren2011
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可持续发展背景 责任管理
Background Information on Sustainable Development Responsibility Management About Us
中国建筑以“一最两跨”为目标,立足于国内外两个市场,系统分析自身及行业面临的机遇和挑战,审慎制定各种应 中国建筑以构建实施和谐发展战略的长效机制为着眼点,深化社 可持续经营
对策略,促进公司可持续发展,引领行业的发展方向。 会责任工作体系建设,积极推进社会责任管理工作,不断提高履行社 Director – Board Chairman
China Construction focuses on “One most and Two Entries”, based on both domestic and foreign markets, conducted a systematic analysis of the 会责任的能力和水平。
opportunities and challenges that the Company faces in order to prudently develop countermeasures to promote sustainable development and its ྿ᇵࣷኴႜዷඪ!Ċ!ጺঢ়
leading position in the industry. Executive Director – General Manager(s)
社会责任工作体系 Sustainable Operation
公司建立涵盖公司总部和成员单位的社会责任工作体系,建立由 ޭዷඪ!Ċ!ݴ࠶ଶڞ
Deputy Director – Divisional head(s)
任工作。 ྿ᇵ!Ċ!߳ևோሴට
ऐ!ᇜ ! ᆫ! ଝ!
Opportunities Challenges Advantages Disadvantages 社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,主要负责制定社会责 Committee Members – Functional head(s)
ࡔॆླྀႜĐ࿘ዐ൱đ ඇ൰ঢ়षჄگ ᆛᆶॺዾĂںׂଇٷ ׂᄽࠓփೝ࢚ 交流,编制发布社会责任报告等。 中国建筑社会责任委员会组织架构
ڦঢ়षአ֧ ዐ۫Ăԛݥևݴࡔॆአ ಈ ࠅິాև݀ቛփೝ࢚ Organizational Structure of the Social Responsibility
ࡔॆླྀ࠽୴ॺዾरຍ ਆۯږ ࡔाࣅĂጆᄽࣅڦට ᇑࡔाՔ߇ഓᄽ၎Բ٪ Committee Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
ࡔॆेٷԍቱݝࢅዘٷ ጨᇸׯԨฉื ֍ܓ ሞֶਐ
एإยแॺยڦཨ ࡔాࢢ࠵ۙ੦ ডഽڦᆌܔޅ၃ీ૰
ኔࣅࢅ߾ᄽࣅॺยႴ Unbalanced industrial structure; มࣷሴඪ߾ፕӸࠅ
൱ሺ Sustained global economic downturn; Possessing the two most influential Unbalanced internal development Social Responsibility Office
brands in the field of construction
ࡔॆኧᆶํ૰ᄕഓĐ Political turmoil in some countries of and real estate; within the company; 质
ጽඁđ Middle East and North Africa; A professional and elite Lagging behind international 量
enterprises and benchmarks.
Constantly increasing cost of international team;
China implements stable but Rich and accumulated management Quality
progressing economic policy; Stricter control over domestic experience;
China promotes green building macroeconomy; Stronger capacity to deal with risks. ۭ ॔ ᄽ Ҿ ႑ ጺ ए ݝ
technology; ๚ ๚ ֧ ට ݆ ᇑ ඇ ᇑ ഓ တ և ࡛ إ ں 安
China increases investment in the ࣷ Office of the Board of Directors ࣷ Office of the Supervision Committee Ӹ General Administration Office ࣄ ૰ ֎ ጨ ཨ ୱ Legal Affairs Department ਜ਼ ዊ Safety, Quality and Environment Department ย Sci-tech and Design Department ᄽ Corporate Culture Department ࣅ Information Management Department อ Audit Bureau ॔ Supervision Bureau ๚ ߅ Retired-staff Administration ྔ Overseas Business Department ย Infrastructure
construction of indemnictary Ӹ Ӹ ཐ ᇑ ᇸ Human Resources Department և Finance Department և Fund Department և Investment Department ခ ࢽ Market and Client Management Department ࣍ ऺ ࣅ ࠶ ਆ ਆ ࠶ Headquarter Administration Bureau և ᄽ ๚ ॺ ๚ Real Estate Department
apartments and infrastructure. ࠅ ࠅ ࠶ և և ࠶ ৣ ࠶ և ਆ և ᄽ ย ᄽ Safety
Demand on construction increases in և և ਆ և և և
ഓ Planning Department
the course of urbanization and և և և
China supports strong central 境
enterprises to carry out the policy of
“going global”.
ׯᇵڇ࿋ Environment
Business Units
Dpvoufsnfbtvsft 工
China Construction takes a long-term approach to building and implementing its harmonious development strategy, deepening the construction
ॕ࠶੦Ljዘሞणሀ൱ǗॕĐෙٷđঢ়ᆐ֧Ljዘሞ݀ቛዊଉǗ of its social responsibility system, actively promoting the management of social responsibility, and constantly enhancing the Company’s social Staff
ॕĐࣅđ֧LjዘሞᆫࣅืपǗॕᆫࣅཨጨLjዘሞၳᅮ࣮Ǘ responsibility capacity and performance.
ॕरօLjዘሞഽࣅኧǗॕට֍ഽഓLjዘሞ༵ื໎ዊǗॕአዎᆫLjዘሞࢅၿ݀ቛ 会 社
Perisist in our commitment to strategic management and control, and focus on upgrading our intensive management approach; System of Social Responsibility Initiatives
Persist in the pursuit of the three major operational strategies, and focus on the overall quality of our development; Society
Persist in the pursuit of our five major development strategies, and focus on our optimization and upgrading; We have established a social responsibility system that covers all business units including our headquarters, and have set up the Social
Persist in making optimal investments, and focus on ensuring economic returns; Responsibility Committee which is comprised of top management and department heads. The Committee is responsible for steering the Company’s
Persist in our pursuit of scientific progress, and focus on intensifying our support for this approach; overall approach to social responsibility.
Persist in nurturing talent within the Company, and focus on the improving employee quality; The Social Responsibility Committee has established the Social Responsibility Office. The Office is mainly responsible for the planning and
Persist in making the most of political advantage,s and focus on harmonious development.
implementation of all social responsibility initiatives, formulating management systems, and carrying out the Company’s social responsibility
practices and external exchanges, as well as compiling and releasing relevant reports.
016 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 017